On June 14th, mom and dad unloaded us so they could hit up "Boulevardia" - a beer tasting event. Below are pics of dad with Mayor Sly, mom and friends, and dad after the day of tasting beer.
Graham's class did a camping themed week, so here he is napping in a tent, painting with dirt, and playing with flashlights and snakes...the typical things you'd take along camping.
Here's Graham "drinking" milk at dinner the other night. We probably shouldn't have encouraged this with laughing, but it was hard not to.
Occasionally I get to say hi to Grammy on the play ground when we're outside at the same time. He loves when I drop by. Sometimes I steal his lunch money, but don't tell mom!
On Wednesday, 5/28 mom got a call from school. G man was running a temperature and had to be sent home. He was in a decent mood but still running a temp on Thursday and also when he woke Friday. Dad took over stay at home duty and ran him to the doctor in the morning. Diagnosis: Ear Infection. We got him on some meds and he's much better!
No this isn't our car, but it is parked in our yard. Two accidents at the corner in front of our house in the last month. Scary!
On Sunday, June 15th, cousins Audrey and Ingrid came to town. We celebrated father's day. Thanks to Dido for cooking steaks, Mimi for bringing cupcakes, and the Long Family for providing the entertainment....cousins to play with!!
Here are Graham and I hitting up the pool down the street.
On Friday 6/20 I got to slumber party with Audrey and Ingrid at Mimi's place. We had a super fun time!
Graham was so tired, this is how he fell asleep on the way home from Liberty...head forward.
Mimi got us all matching dresses. How sweet looking are we girls! And we had a super sweet time swimming in Pierce's pool.