It's been a busy month, but what's new. Graham is getting bigger by the minute.
We made cookies for Santa after Christmas? He must've been in the 'hood because one of the cookies disappeared over night.
Maddie and mom have been excercising together.
Mom surprised us by stopping in for lunch on Friday, January 24th...with PIZZA!
Even though gas is cheap, we still go by foot to the grocery store and the ATM.
On January 30th we grabbed some ice cream and saw Berkeley from Graham's class.
We got a small snow and got to make ice slushes.
We watched the super bowl at Matthew's house this year.
Graham drew himself a goatee...probably to counter the pink princess diaper we had to borrow at Miss Amber's gym.
After naps, it was nice enough to get outside and head to the park for awhile.
And throw balls to BobBob. Over and over and over again.
Then we celebrated Aunt Brandi's birthday!
Dinner/game night with Dido and Donna.
On Saturday, Feb 14th we dropped by Lukas' house for a birthday party and saw all of our good friends. Ummm...I want a donut cake for my birthday!
We had dinner with the Schatz for Valentine's day and they brought over this heart shaped pizza. Cute!
I've started taking tap lessons. Pretty fun to clickety clack around the dance floor.