This blog is dedicated to my Great Grandpa
Gene Graeff - Mimi's dad.
Freeman Eugene “Gene” Graeff, 94 of Murphysboro, passed
away at 6:22am on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 in Murphysboro. Gene was born on
September 1, 1919 in Murphysboro a son to the late Freeman and Emma (Smith)
Graeff. He was united in marriage to Betty R. Stout on January 17, 1943 in
Jackson, MO.; Betty preceded him in death on December 19, 2012.
Gene was an
active member of the First Baptist Church in Murphysboro; where he had been a
member of the board of Trustees and Deacons, he also served with church youth
activities and countless other ways. He was a former Board Member of
Murphysboro School District, and was an avid supporter of Murphysboro School
He was a U.S. Army veteran and proudly served during WWII and was
wounded at the battle of the Bulge. He was a retired owner Bill & Gene’s
Tom Boy Supermarket in Murphysboro; he had been a meat cutter for most of his
life, he was also retired from the Jackson County Highway Department.

was a member of the American Legion Paul Stout Post 127 and the V.F.W. Post 7190
both in Murphysboro.

Great Gpa Gene, we'll miss and love you forever!
On Wednesday, September 25th I had my first real dentist appointment. I've been a couple times before, but this is the first time I've let them actually clean my teeth. Get this...when I looked up at the light, they have this awesome video monitor where I can watch cartoons. SCORE!
** Spoiler alert: Skip the picture below if you have a quesy stomach. After I left the dentist I headed straight to school where I proceeded to lose my entire breakfast in the parking lot. Luckily I didn't even get a drop on my outfit.

Dido's sister Jane came to town so Donna hosted a lovely dinner for us.

On Friday 9/27, Mom and dad had a play to go to so we had a new sitter now that there are 2 of was MaKaila from school! We had an awesome time playing.

Here's a few pics of Graham lounging. As you can see, he'll sleep just about anywhere...including Miss Judy's lap at school. Below is how mom found him when she picked him up.

Graham is continuing to grow and grow and grow. He's easily rolling from back to front and back again and I think he'll be crawling before too long. He's almost to the point where he can sit up on is own too! Time to start putting my Barbie doll parts away.
On Saturday we headed to Auntie Cole's housewarming party. The usual suspects where there. There was quite a spread of food and I even helped do some office work on their computer.

Boys vs Girls...who do you think is going to win?
On to more important news. B&T bought a TRAMPOLINE! I've already gotten more than my fair share of use out of it.

Dad headed to Murphy to attend GGpa's funeral on Friday and he returned on Sunday. As a result, I got a LOT of face time with B&T. They came over on Friday for dinner (Graham wasn't so sure about pizza), then I went out there to spend the night on Saturday after dance class.
In case you didn't get enough of watching me dance, here's some more moves I've learned:

On Sunday, Oct 6th, we celebrated Ta's birthday! As you can see by the # of candles she's staying very young. I think the idea was more of one candle for each grandkid.
Finally, no this isn't my halloween costume. Just having some fun playing dress up. Go MU Tigers!
Here's an excerpt from our school newsletter.
In Jesus Time, we are learning that God made
us as we discover our hands and our feet and begin to learn about our
– now the “old timer” in our room since Harper and Quill moved to their new
room. She scoots around the room, trying
to pull up. She is eating by herself –
what a big girl! ☺ We are hearing lots
of interesting sounds that will soon turn into words.
– What can we say about our little koala bear Jacob? He shows us 2 faces:
the pouty bottom lip sticking out face and the smiling happy face. Either way, he is cute! Rolling around the room is his mode of
transportation. He sits up by himself
and is very strong.
– She greets us each day with a smile.
Her facial expressions are very animated. She sits up by herself and rolls around the
room. She has a healthy appetite for
such a tiny body, eating lots of cereal, fruits and veggies.
– He is such a sweetheart. At 5 months
he is rolling around and enjoying tummy time.
He likes to roll to his friends and visit for a bit, then roll on. He is learning to make sounds, and is a happy
baby who always smiles.
– He’s our youngest at 4 months old. He
has started rolling from his back to his tummy.
He’s beginning to eat veggies for lunch – peas (yuck!) – he loves
them! He’s a cuddly little guy and we
love to hold him.
God’s blessings,
Miss Judy, Miss Judy,
Miss Lorie,
Grandma Anna and
Miss Jean
Welcome to all of our new friends and
families. We are all starting to get into a routine. We’ve been busy getting to know each
other. The children are starting to fall
into a routine. We have been having fun
singing, dancing, building with blocks, puzzles, matching games, sensory play,
outside play, painting, coloring – the list goes on and on. We love listening to stories. Our favorite so far this year is Corduroy and
the Three Little Pigs. The children get
to interact and help tell the story.
We just sent out our first Scholastic book
order. When families purchase books, our
classroom earns bonus points and we get free books, games, puzzles, etc., for
our room. Our first book order is due
Thursday, 9/26. We are looking forward to our family fun night on October 24,
which will include a Scholastic book fair and our school will get a 50% profit
in free books for our classrooms.
We’ve been learning about Creation and how
God made each one of us. We have a new
religious curriculum this year with a lot of fun ideas.
It happens every year – a parent will tell me
that they can’t start eating dinner unless they say a prayer, because of the
simple prayer we say every day: “Thank
you, Jesus, for our food. Amen. Amen.”
Always check our message board as we have
started having Show & Tell every Friday!
God’s blessings,
Miss Wendi, Miss Nicki, Miss Laura, Miss Gwendoline