Mimi came to pick me up early 4/10. Graham got sent home for pink eye the same afternoon so we met up at the park.

Later on I colored these eggs. Aren't they gorgeous?
Donna and Aiden came to play the next night. There was a puppet show at school.

We headed to breakfast before dance on Saturday. One of the few times we've gone out with Graham...he can be a handful.

We had tons of activities leading up to Easter Sunday. Tractor rides from Uncle Ron, Easter Egg party at Mason's house, egg decorating with Ta, a visit to the Easter Bunny with Dido, and water table play with Graham.

Here's Graham going crazy:
On Saturday, April 19th, Beau (Aunt Brandi's step brother) got married and we were all invited. Here are some of the fun pics.

Then we capped off the holiday festivities with Easter lunch and egg hunt at Mimi's. We couldn't ask for a nicer day to hunt for eggs.

Finally, here's a pic of Graham patiently peeking out the by the door at Ta's. Who does he remind you of?