Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Who Was That Masked Man

Tuesday, December 21st started out like any normal day.  Eating, school, sleeping, etc.  After school mom and dad took me over to Uncle Ron's house.  Aunt Bebe made a tasty lasagna (of which I had none) and I got to play with Pierce and his gerbils.  After dinner and out of nowhere this large man in a red suit and black belt appears and puts me on his lap.  My reaction...who is this crazy guy and why is this stranger holding me.  That's my first encounter with Santa.  My second of course was Christmas morning when he left me a bunch of gifts for no reason.  Mom and dad said he left them because I sleep so well and am such a good little girl, but that's stupid...why would some stranger leave me gifts for doing nothing?

Here's some video of Pierce singing for Santa:

On Wednesday, my second cousin Megan Graeff drove through town and paid us a visit.  She got in early (drove from Colorado all night) and showered me with kisses and gifts!  She got me a super sweet new outfit that is super stretchy.  We dined at Cafe Europa that night and then I went to bed while dad and Megan went out to watch the MU basketball game.  Sadly she left for St. Louis/Murphysboro on Wednesday, but she'll be back through this week and is going to do a sleepover again. 

Friday (Christmas Eve) school was closed and mom took me out to Grandpa BobBob's.  It was the usual...a lot of Gramps holding and rocking me.  He's got the best lap. 

That evening we headed over to Grandpa Dido's place to do some dinner with him and Donna's family.  I had a great time and met a lot of new faces.  I didn't nap at all so when 7pm rolled around I was ready to head home.  Mom and dad told me we drove around and looked at Christmas lights on the way home (their usual tradition) and I promised to stay awake for it next year.

Who's your daddy?  I had a hard time figuring out

Saturday morning was Christmas of course!!!  I woke to a breakfast of warm milk and lots of presents under the tree.  Sam and Porter even got some goods.  Dad got me a cute pea green coat, a stuffed toy doggie, and a really pretty sweater dress.

As you can see from the pics above, opening presents was so exhausting I immediately needed a nap.

Christmas afternoon we went over to Uncle Ron's house to see the Duncan side of the family.  I was pleasantly surprised to see Mimi and Max make an appearance as well.  We had turkey and ham and cake and on and on and on.  Cousin Pierce made out like a banshee with a whole huge pile of fun.  Half of it was clothes which he didn't seem too interested in, but I LOVE clothes.  I made out with some nice goods!   Raggedy Ann is a fun addition to my collection.


Sunday morning we got up and had PEAS! for breakfast.  They look disgusting and from the look on my face you can tell they tasted even worse.  But I was a good girl and ate all my veggies like I was supposed to.  I'll be more excited for things like pears and sweet potatoes. 

Random photo of my signature Hook 'Em Horns pose.

Monday, December 20, 2010

All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth

So I don't think I'm getting teeth for Christmas, but I sure do drool a lot, a sure sign that they'll be popping up in the next couple months or so.

It's definitely been an exciting busy week since mom and dad have gotten home from vacation.  The weekend was spent just getting to know them again and then bam, wouldn't you know it...dad had to fly off to Chicago for work again.  On Tuesday (12/14) I went over to see Grandpa Dido and Donna and guess who else was there.  I'm sure you won't guess so I'll just tell you....Grandpa BobBob.  What a surprise!  Dido and Donna cooked us a fabulous meal and I even got to play in a ducky tub (water not included).

On Thursday (12/16) mom hosted a holiday party for some people at work.  It was a house-full but we had a grand time.  Patty's bossman (who a few of you know) Craig even held me for awhile.  

Does my head look huge?

On Friday, the Homeowners Association hosted a party at Hoopers.  Mom, dad, Megan, and Uncle Jason (who we met for the first time) popped in to say hello.  By the way, Jason came to visit me at the hospital right after I was born, but I was in the NICU at the time (see second blog post).  He then departed for his Doc Degree at Texas Tech so this was the first time I got to meet him.  Anyway, the party was fun and I got passed around from neighbor to neighbor.  At one point mom and dad where on the opposite side of the room, but I saw dad peeking over occasionally to make sure someone didn't run off with me to sell in some child slave labor trafficking ring. And, if you think I'm kidding here's proof that it could have happened (click Linky)...I do have little ¼ Asian fingers.

On Saturday, mom and dad hosted another party at their house.  The theme was an Ugly Sweater/White Elephant Gift party.  Let me tell you some people truly lived up to the theme (you know who you are...Mr. Schnetzer). 

The gifts were fun and dad got his favorite book that was already on his Christmas wish list.  Brad got a can of Potted Meat Product and actually gave it a taste. 

Potted Meat Product?

Dad's New Favorite Read
Davenport Family Photo

Sunday, the Grampses (that's Gramps pluralized) came over again to watch the Chiefs game.  BobBob even brought over a new toy for me.  It's an Excersaucer and it's fabulous!  I can stand in it or sit down and have a multitude of toys within my reach.  As you can see from my poopy diaper, that was just how excited I was to play in it.  I should be embarrassed by a pic of poo all over my back, but come on....even dad has "been there, done that".

Video: Blowing Raspberries

So here are the pics I promised to post from when I stayed at Grandma Mimi's for a week.  She sure does love the belly shots of me. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Aruba, Jamaica...

So the part of the beach boys song..."ooh I wanna take ya" apparently fell upon deaf ears, because mom and dad decided to leave me at home. 

Luckily I got to stay with Grandma Mimi (and not at some orphanage) the whole time they were gone which was like a vacation for me anyway.  We had a great time and Mimi loves to brag about how good of a sleeper and eater I am and how much fun it is to take care of me.  If I ever run away from home I'm headed up to Liberty to stay with her.  I got up there Saturday night 12/4 and woke up Sunday morning with mom and dad having slipped away in the wee hours of the morning.  It almost broke my heart that they didn't even say goodbye to me, until Mimi broke out the toys and songs and life was good again.  Since my routine was pretty much down (eat, play, sleep, eat, play sleep) I don't have much to post.  I'll put some pics up of me with Mimi/Max as soon as I get my hands on her camera. 

Aruba Flooded
So here's what mom and pop did while they were gone.  They arrived in Aruba on Sunday to a foot of water flooding the roads.  Good thing they rented a Jeep Wrangler to trek around in.  As their luck would have it, the weather cleared the very next day and the roads dried up. 

They stayed at the Marriott where all the big hotels are.  They were originally going to stay down near the port where all the cruise ships come in, but quickly vetoed that due to the sketchiness of the area.  As you can see by the pic of the hotel pool and beach below, they made a wise decision. 

Their days were spent lounging by the pool, sleeping in, and reading.  I'm pretty sure I overheard dad say he hit the hotel casino a few times too.

They went Scuba diving on Tuesday and saw an old shipwreck, then went on a Snorkel trip on Wednesday and met some fun people from Omaha.  Dad even tried his hand at the rope swing a few times.  Video footage below. 

Thursday (dad's bday) was spent dirivng around the island (it's only 16 miles long) and visiting some really nice beaches.  That night they had dinner at a restaurant called the Flying Fishbone thanks to recommendations from Aunt Jen and Avery's Aunt Darcy.  The food was good and the best part, dinner was right on the beach!  Literally tables were in the water.

They even went to a movie while they were there.  All in all, they had a great time (yes, even though I wasn't there) and got in some R and R. 

Flying Fishbone

Friday, December 3, 2010

First Bites

Tuesday was my 4 month birthday.  To mark this momentous occasion I got to watch part of the MU v. Georgetown BBall game with dad.  In my opinion MU got robbed and the game should never have gone into overtime, but I'm pretty sure everyone who watched the game knows this already.  Other than that, the 4 month mark was pretty much a non-event.  Mom says turning 33 years old is pretty much the same thing, so I might as well get used to that now.

Wednesday 12/1 was another Doctor checkup for me.  I'm now at 13lbs 9oz (50 percentile) and am 23 inches tall (25 percentile).  At the very bottom of this post there's a dandy little graph to show how I'm tracking. 

I got the usual gargantuan number of shots every 4 month old gets - one liquid something or other to suck down and 2 sticks in my leg, one in each thigh.  As mom and dad saw from my reaction, I'm probably going to pass on getting my ears or belly button pierced for awhile. 

Other exciting news is that I'm now on solids.  Mom and dad gave me a taste of some Rice cereal for the first time.  Their thinking is cereal, then bath, then milk, then bed.  I think this is a smarter order than milk, bath, bed, cereal or even milk, bath, cereal, bed.  As long as cereal comes before bath, we're in business.  Some good footage of me and my first bites:

Couple of comments here. 
1) Cereal is messy.  It went all down my chin, onto my bib, but I liked it enough to keep half of it in my mouth. 
2) Calling this stuff "solid" seems to be reaching pretty far here.  It was basically thick milk considering the mixing ratio is 1 parts cereal to 5 parts milk.  I'd still consider it a liquid diet.  Regardless, I think mom and dad enjoyed laughing at me. 
3) Eating was way fun and I can't wait to sample some more stuff.  I'm hoping the next food group I move to will be the McDonald's McRib (and yes, this is it's own food group).

On Friday night, Gramps came and had dinner with us and then after he got the joy of feeding me as well.  He was a pro and it seemed like more went in my mouth than on my bib.  Good work BobBob.

PS - Mom and Pop will be in Aruba from Sunday through Friday so don't expect a post until 12/13 or later.  Gma Mimi will be watching me, but she doesn't transcribe as fast so doubt I'll get a post out.