To catch you up on things, here's what we've been up to. Lots of swim time, a playdate with Matthew from daycare (and yes, we love to take our clothes off and run around neked...), and going to a movie with Pierce. We went to see Turbo and it was my first movie with Mom and Dad. I think their biggest complaint was that I changed seats about 20 times.

As you can see from Graham's nose he was battling a cold and a stomach bug last week. Luckily he's better now. Monday, July 22 was his first day at school. The fun part is he goes to the same place as me and is right down the hall so I can visit him during the day occasionally. Since I'm the big sister, I promised mom that I would keep an eye on him and beat up anyone who isn't nice to him.

Graham in his new class.

In honor of his first day, Graham wore this onsie:

Mom's first full day back in the office was 7/25. Sad.

Here I am helping make cupcakes for my birthday parties.

We had a pool party on Saturday, July 27th with all my friends. Wouldn't you know that it would be the coldest day in July. We still had fun even with the cooler weather.

Mimi stayed at the house with Graham since he isn't old enough to swim. Next year, bro.

After the party, Pat and Nicole dropped by to say hi.

Here's Graham on his first ever stroller ride.

And finally, onto the big day! To recap it, I awoke to special pancakes, cupcakes at school, grandparents galore at home waiting for me after school, a spongebob cake and homemade ice cream, and presents from the whole fam including an awesome Curious George magnet set from cousins Audrey and Ingrid. Thank you to everyone for making my day(s) special!
Can we do it again tomorrow?!?