My 1/2 birthday came and went last week. On Wednesday I celebrated with a donut and a candle. Two of my favorite things.
I've really gotten into liking forts. Dad is pretty creative with the blankets. Luckily I don't even have to help with the clean up.
BobBob got home from Thailand on Thursday night but I didn't get to see him until Friday. Big hugs all around. I was happy to know he missed me as much as I missed him.

Saturday was the first day of swim lessons. Dad walked me into the pool and helped me with my skills. Splashing, kicking on my front and back, and the most fun one...jumping in from the side of the pool.
Afterwards we headed to Home Depot for some stuff for baby bro's room and then finished off the morning with lunch which included a ice cream cone! I didn't really want to share but dad made me.
Mimi picked me up after nap and I got to slumber party with her and Max. You know what that means...more ice cream!
Mom and dad went to the Lady Gaga concert on Monday night so BobBob came to watch me. Mom and dad did some of their own watching...people watching that is.
I'm very into hair right now and offered to do dad's. Most people use toilet paper to dry their hair right?
On Wednesday I woke up with the stomach flu and had to stay home. It was a rough day/night. Dad took care of me in the monring and mom relieved me and took the afternoon/night shift. Not that you want this detail, but I had the dry heaves until almost 4am. At that point I took a turn for the better and started keeping water down. Mom and dad were pretty worried. I spent today Feb 7th watching a lot TV and snoozing on the couch.

Updates on the room addition...trim, flooring, some paint. All that's left are a few more finishing touches and to hange the door. Hoping to wrap up the project tomorrow!