I was off of school on Friday the 8th as well. Residual flu. By Saturday I was feeling a lot better and Sunday I was back to my old self. To pass the time, I did a lot of baking. On Friday it was berry mini muffins and on Saturday it was banana bread.
Ta FINALLY came home on Sunday night and I gave her a huge hug! And the best part...she brought me presents. More pics to come since we didn't get to spend that much time with her.

I was off school again on Wednesday. I think I gorged myself and ended up just eating too much on Tuesday night and woke up and puked up my whole dinner and snacks. At least it got me a "get out of school" card. That evening mom had signed me up for a gymboree Valentines day party so we figured why waste the money. It gave me the chance to burn off a little energy.
Thursday was of course Valentine's Day. We had a party at school where we traded valentines and got to enjoy lots of treats. Suckers, goldfish, and fruit snacks. Good times for all!
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