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Monday, July 24, 2017

Rock ★ Summer

Oh my...what an amazing summer it's been!  I can't even begin to remember all the new experiences we've had, but I'll give it my best shot.

1) We went to see Audrey and Ingrid in Bethesda and had an amazing time with our Long cousins!

2) I went to a party where there were ponies.  A little overkill, but it was for a school charity.

3) Mom and dad celebrated Kristin's 40th birthday!

5) We've gotten to hold countless birdies, bunnies, and froggies out at Uncle Ronnie's house.

6) We got Cousin Pierce to spend an entire weekend with us.

7) I have become a pretty great gymnast if I do say so myself.  Please note the leotard circa 1983 borrowed from mom.

8) I completed an entire year of soccer and got a trophy for it.

9) I started summer camp with my neighbor James and in general spent a lot of time outside and with the neighbors...Chess Club, Camp WIN, Dinners, etc.

10) I learned how to make dessert just in time for Father's day.  The recipe is on the back of the Chex cereal box.  Apple Pie Filling, Cinnamon Chex, Whipped Cream.

11) I've gotten REALLY good at using the camera.

12) The photo above reminded mom that I got my first cavity.

13)  We've spent a lot of time at the lake.

14) Mom got "styled" with the neighborhood ladies.

This one doesn't get a number.  As evidenced below we still haven't learned how to sleep apart even though we have our own rooms.

15)  Aunt Jen and her family came to visit for her birthday and 4th of July.

16) We celebrated Paige's 6th birthday!

17) Dad learned how to fly and I went off the high dive for the first time!

18)  I got my ears pierced!!!!

19)  Dad taught me how to ride a bike!

20) Graham started swimming!

Twenty things and summer isn't even over yet!!


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