Love the playground. The slide has become my favorite!
They try and teach us concepts like in/out, big/little, up/down, through art and "hands on" experiences. Get it..."hands on".
When it's too cold or wet outside we do playtime in the basement with the big toys like tricycles and cars.
We even do chapel time and learn and sing about the "big man". I feel like I already told you this in a previous entry? If you notice, I love sitting by Matthew who happens to live only a block away.
Another favorite part of the day is snack time. We get all sorts of good things to eat like fresh fruit, motz sticks, graham crackers, and breakfast bars. We also sometimes get whatever special treat a student's mom brings in. My mom tries to be good about sending in something fun at least once a week (zucchini bread, canteloupe, blueberries, etc).
And then when we're not learning, we just do good old fashioned playtime.
Here's some of the fun words I've learned at home:
As many of you know, the weather as of late has been beautiful! We try and do a lot of outdoorsy stuff like walk to the park, feed the duckies, and visit the playground. Even the doggies have a go!
I saw goats and pigs and donkeys. There were tractor rides and a cool tube to run through. There was even a pumpkin princess. Sounds made up if you ask me.
On Sunday, September 25th I had company over. I hosted a party since the weather was so nice and we hung out on the deck and played with balloons. Ava, Luke, and Emmerson all made it over to play.
Tuesday, Dido dropped by for some quality time at the park and stuck around for dinner.
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