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Monday, October 3, 2011

Driving Miss Maddie

Dad had a motor cycle driving class this weekend so I spent a LOT of time with mom, the dogs, and Gma and Gpa Duncan.  In fact when mom says Grandpa, I reply with BobBob. 

Saturday, October 1 morning started off with breakfast out and about.  I love me some bananas.  We had sourdough french toast, bacon, coffee, eggtc.  I tried to play Avery's stacker game, but I failed miserably at it.

We picked up the dogs back at home and headed out to see the Gparents.  We were so early we surprised Ta in bed.

They watched me for a couple hours while mom did a training run the for 1/2 marathon coming up in a couple weeks.  She got back just in time for naptime!!!

Gramps broke out the TR6 and we went for a not exactly legal ride down the street.  Good thing they live almost near the Oklahoma border where there isn't much civilization or cars on the road for that matter.

We visited the farmer neighbor down the street where we got to drive/ride in his golf cart
We pet the donkey.  Yes, it's a cross between a mule and a horse.  I had to explain that one to BobBob.

 I rolled around on his sheep (aka really large doggies).  Sheesh!!!  I thought Porter and Sam were big. 
Then we headed back to the park across from their house for some slide racing.  I beat the snot out of this kid both times! 
 My sweet ride got lots of looks from the boys.

Then home to dinner with Mr. Schnetzer!  He's the best and brought cookies.  He even was sweet enough to forget to take the leftovers home so I could eat the whole box. 

I think I like the second shot better.  What do you think?  I don't think dad gets that most people photobomb with their face.
Sunday was a lot more of the same.  Breakfast with mom, killing some time in a box (why are they always putting me in boxes, I'm not sure), walk around the neighborhood and a pit stop at the park, all before 10:30am. 

It was so early I had the whole place to myself.
Finally it was time to head for lunch at Nordstrom.  I love that place.  Again, all the mirrors and stuff to touch. 

 The pasta was excellent by the way.  I highly recommend it.

 Have I told you balloons are awesome?  Apparently the number one choking hazard behind food, according to Mrs. Kristin's trivia of the day.  Oops. 

 BobBob and I had a serious talk about that, but I promised him I wouldn't choke on it.

Dad is back and passed his class!  Can't wait to go for a ride with him.  Next week right dad?


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