I took some fun pics of the fam all wearing tank tops (aka wife beaters). I would have joined in, but they didn't come in size 3-6 mos.

On Wednesday, August 28th I had my 4 month checkup a couple of days early. I weighed in at a whopping 16.1 lbs (90th percentile). What can I say? I like my food people. However, I was also 26 inches long which is off the charts tall. Check out my guns below.

Here's my sister being her usual goofball.
That night after my doc appointment, I took my first crack at food. Rice cereal. Maddie warned me that it wouldn't be the greatest thing in the world, but I choked some down.

After dinner I severely needed a bath as I made quite a mess. Food was all down my neck. I also took my first bath not using the infant net.

On Sunday, August 26th we did my dedication at church. Mae Davenport was there and dedicated too.

After church we went out to BobBobs to see Yai Pom and Yui one last time before they headed back to San Fran.

Here I am with my first tasting of food:

Here's my growth chart. You can see how Maddie and I compare by going to my Growth Chart page.
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