An early Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family! Have a safe and blessed holiday.
We are in full on holiday mode! On December 7th, we had breakfast with Santa. I asked for another Pony this year.

After all, I need someone to keep my pony "Boop Beep" from last year company (see below).
Graham is moving and shaking and as you can see, harassing the dogs (and cats) at every possible moment.
We got some light snow already this year...enough that dad made me a snowman! We also had our annual school Christmas program.
Some other happenings...making pizzas, my last dance lesson, and a trip to Gymboree.

On Saturday, December 21st we had our annual Ugly Sweater Christmas party which was great fun!
The hits of the part include "A Sweater Under a Sweater", "Look Closely", "Chanukah", and of course "The Bun in the Oven".

No party is complete without mustaches!

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