The next day mom and dad ditched us at BT's house so they could head to the actual wedding. We were told it was a grand time and the bride couldn't have looked more beautiful!
On 9/1 mom and I headed to Evan's house for his birthday party. It was pirate themed and pretty crafty. Check out the "fish and chips!
On 9/5 we headed out with Bobby and Toi for some crab leg dinner! It was delicious!
I started dance class on Saturday's (pictures to come) and Graham started a Gymboree class. He loved it and crawled all over everything.

Uncle Ronnie caught some bunnies. I got a good look and so did Porter.
Here we are on 9/6 hitting up the fair:
Here are some shots of my vantage point from the back seat. Not as cool as riding shot gun.
Matthew moved to a new school so the only time I get to see him is play dates. It'll have to do L
Now for the big news. On September 12th we (by we I mean Mom, Dad, and I) headed to Silver Dollar City!!! We went with the Davenports, Steffens, Roues, Ungles, and Nass's. We had an AWESOME time on all the rides, eating ice cream cones, all staying in one huge house and staying up way past our bedtimes, etc.... Can't wait until next year!!!

The Osceola Cheese Store is AMAZING!
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