Happy New Year from our family to yours!
We hosted our annual Christmas party (the last in this house) on December 17th.

While quite a few friends stopped by, mom didn't exactly get to chat with them because she was in the bathroom for over an hour trying to get some "Bunchems" out of a 6 year old's hair. Brad demonstrates that they do in fact stick easily. Dad proceeded to throw them in the trash.
We got some lovely snow and made it out to go sledding. Yes, that is Graham and I, even though you can't really tell.

The Long cousins came for Christmas and we got to spend quite a bit of time with them! We decorated cookies, went on a sleigh ride, and had a fabulous Christmas day with them.

We saw the Duncan side to open gifts as well. Ta may be 1/2 way around the world, but she managed to get us tons of gifts. Just like Santa!

Graham's last day at his current school was 12/30. Between him and I, mom and dad invested a small fortune and a lot of time in that place!

And the next day we did the annual NYE slumber party at the Breers.
On January 2nd, Graham successfully started at his new school. Mom braced herself for clinging and tears, but he walked in, shook the teachers hand, said "bye mom" and acted like the biggest little kid. Mom was so proud!

The next edition of the Mad Dog Blog should be officially sent from the new house. Move in date is the 27th and movers are scheduled for 1/31. We officially turn over the keys to our current house on 2/9. It will be a very sad, but extremely exciting day!
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