Do you think it makes my tummy look fat? How many calories are in this cup of juice by the way?
I've become something of a chatty cathy lately:
At school I've been hanging out with Matthew quite a bit. Since he lives down the street I'm thinking he can swing by and pick me up on his way to school in this sweet sweet ride.
And if we get a flat I'll just push him to school.
Christmas isn't here yet, but somehow I'm already getting new play things. A good example is the play-doh below.
On Wednesday, Mom picked me up early to go see Gramps and Dard. We did dinner out and I had my share of booth surfing time.
Thursday I decided to clean out the pantry. Why wouldn't you store the cans closer to the fridge? Makes sense to me.
Friday night we did dinner at Chick Fil A! They had a pretty neat play area. Everything was all fun and games until twenty 6 year olds converged on the place and then I got the heck out of there. We followed up with a quick visit to Trader Joe's.
After breakfast mom got crazy with the markers. She figured a mustache would help me get rid of my baby face look.
Saturday night, December 17th I hung out with Nicole and Uncle Dave. Nothing too crazy, just a few rounds of Itsy Bitsy Spider and Head Shoulders Knees and Hoes (Uncle Dave's version...he told me he grew up on a farm).
On Sunday I headed to Mrs. Amber's gym again. Even Paige and Aunt Brandi stopped by.
After the gym, BobBob took me by this crazy house with a million (seriously) blow up Christmas thingymajigs all over the lawn. I was enthralled and scared all at the same time (as would you be).
Monday was our school Christmas party. We had tons of play time and a pot luck with muffins, fruit, and juice! Since I'll never remember this when I get older, pictured top row from left: Loick (he's french), Britton, Logan. Bottom row from left: Daya, Matthew B., Matthew W., and of course me!
Okay, not to be 100% harsh, but what is this hideous outfit to my right? I look good in a lot of things, but even I couldn't pull this one off.
In Toddler C we are discovering the wonders of the Christmas season. Daily we listen to the story of Baby Jesus’ birth. We even sing Happy Birthday to Jesus! We are enjoying the joyous music with movement, dance and instruments. Our new vocabulary centers around the symbols of the season, such as Christmas tree, star, angel, stable, lights and wreath.
We are busy making various Christmas symbols – candy canes, wreaths, Christmas trees, stockings and stars. Our class is working on sharing, taking turns, gentle touches and picking up toys.
Logan, Loick and Maddie have been mastering lots of new words. They can name many objects and know their friends’ names.
Britton is our gymnast, running, climbing, exploring, whether he is in our room or in the gym.
Daya is growing and walking with great confidence now. She likes looking at books, too.
Matthew Breer likes to drive the boat and is often found on our rocking horse.
Matthew Walker is pulling up on everything and now likes our push toys.
We wish all of our families a blessed Christmas filled with the love and peace of our Lord – Merry Christmas!
God’s blessings,
Miss Nancy, Miss Shanice, Miss Janice
and Miss Mickayla
In case I don't catch everyone before, have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Have you already learned some Thai for your trip? translates to beach, right? Awesome!
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