Extra extra, read all about it: The tooth fairy makes an early visit to Miss Maddie Jean!
Tuesday, May 8th started off like a pretty normal day. It was pajama day at school which was pretty awesome. I got home and was excited to do dinner with Uncle Dave and Dido. We killed some time waiting for dinner to be ready by playing outside. My old classmate Toby even dropped by during a walk and I let him share my car.

Let's not put it mildly...that's when shit happened. I was down the sidewalk, turned to run back to mom and dad, tripped over my own two feet and face planted. I chipped my tooth. BAD. I actually only cried for a couple minutes and slept pretty well that night.
In the morning I complained that my tooth hurt (duh people) and we got in the car and I made a call to the dentist. He got me in straight away.

He had a kid friendly waiting room complete with awesome fish tank. I got an x-ray of my teeth and a close inspection led to this verdict: It's gotta be pulled. I was a good little patient and didn't wriggle around much.

The couldn't actually pull it there so we headed down the road to an oral surgeon who squeezed us in right away also. Mommy was so thankful we could take care of everything before my afternoon nap since I wasn't much into eating. We only spent a short while waiting before they ushered us into the op room.
After getting a topical the doctor got down to business pretty quickly. A shot to numb the area (I was not a fan of course), a short 5 minute wait for it to set in, and less than a minute getting the tooth out. I definitely did my share of bawling (you would too) but quickly recovered to my old self!

In fact, as soon as I got home I was ready to go for some ice cream. I was more interested in playing than eating, so mom got the majority of the good stuff. That evening BobBob and Ta stopped by to lend me moral support and of course gifts!
On Thursday, Mimi dropped by for the same reason and stayed home with me all day.
Anyway, as you can see I'm doing pretty well. Mom is pretty sad that I'll be sans front tooth until my real one grows in...4 years from now, but I think it gives me character. Hopefully you agree.
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