On Friday night there was another neighborhood party. I got my first lesson at bean bags. What I learned was the closer you are to the hole, the easier it is to win. I'm thinking mom owe's me a new shirt... There was even this cute boy there who gave me a card.
Saturday, June 16th I headed to the nature center in the morning. They started things off with story hour although I was easily distracted by the bunnies in the pen nearby. After a rousing show of butterfly finger puppets we followed up with some coloring and stickers.
Afterwards we were free to tour the place and view the animals they are trying to rehabilitate. They had tons of snakes, a couple of bald eagles, and a few hawks. I really enjoyed seeing them.
After my nap, Amelia dropped by for some pool time. She's been busy shopping for a new house, so it feels like it's been ages since we've caught up. We just couldn't seem to sync up our cheese face poses for the camera.
After the swim we headed out for dinner. On the way I struck my Napoleon pose. I often find myself telling mom and dad what to do, so this is only fitting. We enjoyed some pizza and let me tell you it's amazing to see how much Amelia can throw down!
Dessert was a pit stop for frozen yogurt. I was pretty full, but somehow when I saw the M&Ms, ice cream, and Heath bar, there was magically room for more. I even snuck a bite of Amelia's.
Sunday was father's day. My gift to dad was sleeping in until 9am! Not even a peep out of me earlier. It probably helped that I was up until 8:30pm the night before. We headed to a lovely brunch buffet in the neighborhood.
After brunch we went to say Happy Dad's day to BobBob as well. I hung out there all day so mom and dad could go see a show. It's funny how I spend a lot of naked baby time out there. It's also funny how they know to stock the freezer with Popsicle's before I visit.
GGma Dard's birthday was the day before so we sang Happy Birthday. Then of course I wrangled my own cupcake before grabbing a bath and putting on my most favorite slippers!
For some reason I was allowed to skip my afternoon nap so I fell asleep before we got a mile into the drive home. Mom had to shake me awake at 7:30 the next morning too. Dad and her are really digging this sleeping in trick I'm doing lately.
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