The rest of Saturday was spend shopping on the plaza. Let's just say I walked away a winner.
Mom had to head out of town to a work conference on Sunday morning. As she was waiting at the airport to board her plane dad called and explained how I had fallen and gotten a nasty nose bleed. I guess that's what she gets for deserting me. I handled it pretty well (not sure I can say the same for dad) and it stopped shortly after. Here's the only pic of the "incident".
Good thing my cousins were in town to entertain me. We hung out all day at Mimi's house.
I had my first dentist appointment on Thursday 8/9. I let them clean one tooth before I got squirmy so I guess it's a good thing I only have the one top tooth...and when I was done they let me pick out my toothbrush.
Afterwards I went swimming with Ingrid, Audrey, and Dido. Someone needs to tell him that pink looks better on me. They all came back for naps at my house and then dinner. Afterwards I even made it to the Mr. Stinkyfeet concert. The mosh pit was rocking!
On Friday I had my 2 year checkup (yes a week late). No shots and I don't have to go back until I'm 3. Whoa! Doc said I'm growing well now almost 24lbs (15 percentile) and 33in tall (25 percentile).
To celebrate the last couple of days off school and succesfully handling 2 doctors visits in 2 days, I decided to be nice and share my snacks with cookie monster. He seemed happy.
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