Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Portrait of Graham

Mom and Dad had some formal pics taken of Graham.  Here's some of their faves:


They used the same photographer who snapped my pics 2 1/2 years ago.  Those were some pretty great pics in case you have forgotten...

Now on to some notable events from last week.  Graham had his first official bath.
Pierce turned 8 years old! 
Graham tried out BobBob's chest and the Bjorn. 
I had my first shot at feeding Graham a bottle.

On Friday, June 7th, Matthew and I headed to the Royals game for Buck Night.  Needless to say, we didn't last until the fireworks at the end of the game.

On Saturday, the whole family headed out for Graham's first zoo trip.

Some other activities included a belated Mother's Day brunch for Mimi, the neighborhood pool opening up, and early pickup from school to visit BT.

Dad has been doing a lot of work around the house lately.  I helped him pot some plants by directing hom on how to do it correctly.

Mimi dropped by on Wednesday to have a one on one visit with Graham and to give mom a break to get some errands run.  Thanks Mimi!

Smile for daddy!

Blue tongue bandit.


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