By Thursday, May 2nd, I was back into my normal routine...sort of. Dad got me up and ready and dropped me at school before going to visit baby bro. Between Tues and Fri, mom and (let's just get it over with) Graham Cracker, as we'll call him, had more visitors. Cousins Pierce and Paige and Auntie Cole all stopped by as well. Dad found mom's bed pretty comfy.
On Friday, 5/3 Mom and Graham were allowed to come home!
When I got home from school, a present from Cousins Audrey and Ingrid were waiting for me. A new purse and a bubble whistle. They know me well!
Graham had a rough first night. He slept pretty well until 2am and then he was awake every hour or so. Dad even had to pace downstairs with him for over an hour because he was wide awake. He finally went back down around 6am.
Mimi came by to play with us on Saturday and to give Mom and Dad a much needed nap break. I also helped her make them dinner. Roast chicken and mashed potatoes, yummy!
Then it was bath time for Graham. Let's just say he does not enjoy the bath as much as I do.
Here's bro test driving the vibrate mode of the pack n play. Whoa!
Here's a video of Graham's first minutes.
Here's a compare picture of Graham (on left) and Maddie (on right) at a couple days old.
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