Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, March 7, 2011

AT&T Wants to Kill Me

Catchy blog title huh.  We snapped this pic down the street from us.  Apparently AT&T wants to kill me.  And apparently we're getting Uverse!  Obviously the neighbors are upset they cut down a tree.  Not sure how that kills kids, but if it's on a sign, it's gotta be true.

On Saturday, Mimi came over to our house to watch me for a bit so mom could get out of the house.  We played, took a nap, and she fixed me a bottle.  She always makes me laugh!  After she left, dad took a break from work and we took a trip to the grocery store.  I'm digging sitting up and getting to touch everything mom puts in the cart. 

Sunday we headed over to dad's friend Cody's house for brunch.  Their son Charlie is almost 2 so we got to play with his grown up toys.  After brunch I headed out to BobBob and Ta's house for some lovin'.  We took a trip to wally world and stocked up on plenty of junk from China.  I also got the chance to try a bunch of new food.  We had Butternut Squash and Harvest Apple and Mixed Grain, Apples and Cherries, and I even had some of Ta's homemade chicken and noodle, but I'm not quite fond of texture yet so I spit most of it out.

I was pretty pumped about getting to wear my new matching hat with mom!

Monday, March 7th was a school day.  Dad found out his in town project may be on hold so I'm pretty excited about that.  I probably won't be getting as many toys for my birthday this summer, but I'm happy to trade that for extra daddy play time.  We took it easy this evening since I passed him my stomach bug. 

My new favorite pastime in the bath is to get good and hydrated:


Amelia Kay on March 8, 2011 at 10:15 AM said...

I heard that AT&T was bad from mom, but I didn't know they wanted to kill me! Thanks for the heads up.
P.S. I have the SAME shades as you. Can't wait till we actually see some sun here. We can go show off our style on the town together!

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