First and foremost, a shout out of Congrats to Miss Avery D. who is now big sister to Miss Mae D. born on Wednesday to Mike and Katrina!
Best of luck to the whole family!
Double Feature Part 1: The Looooooong Weekend at the Lake
On Friday, August 31st we headed to the lake house for the extended weekend. The weather was pretty dreary so we spent a lot of time indoors. Dad tried his best to teach me golf, but I think I got it confused with baseball or some other destructive sport that entails swinging sticks to knock down objects.
Mom and dad were smart to keep this little nugget of a toy hidden away from me until we ran out of fun things to do. The funny part is I think mom and dad had more fun playing with this than I did.
Completely random photo, but mom found these Sears brand D batteries that costs $0.21 in a drawer. The lake house is a literal time capsule. I'm guessing D batteries haven't been this cheap since the 70's.
On Saturday, Porter snoozed on the deck until Nicole, Pat, and Clayton arrived, which happend to be just in time to go fishing.
BobBob and Ta joined us for a day on Sunday and we spent a lot of time outside. I wasn't super excited to swim, but I thoroughly enjoyed the boat ride.
This is usually what everyone looks like on the ride home:
Mimi and Max dropped by for dinner on Sunday to give mom and dad a break after spending the 3 day weekend with me. I think I was the one who needed the break more.
Spoiler Alert: We had oreos for dessert.
Double Feature Part 2: Number One Fan
On Tuesday mom got up extra early to make me pancakes that came from San Francisco! When Yai Pom was here she brought me the "World Famous" Sears pancake mix. They were incredibly good.
On Wednesday, September 5th I went to my first Royals game. Technically it was my second, but I don't remember it from when I was 6 weeks old. I did all the stuff you're supposed to do...put money into a giant piggy bank, rode a carousel, hit off a tee, ate junk food and popcorn, and of course, sang Take Me Out to the Ball Game.
Check out this action shot mom snapped of Slugger shooting the hot dog gun. What timing! Why does this picture make me think inappropriate things?
I even got this awesome certificate. Okay...so maybe I'm not the number one fan, but at least I'm official!
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