Christmas Eve we headed over to BobBob's house for presents and dinner with the Duncan side of the family. I came home with a basket of goodies and even got a Benjamin for piggy bank. We polished off the night with bedtime stories by daddy.
Monday was Christmas Eve and we headed to the church service where we saw Avery. Afterwards, Mimi and Max came back to have dinner, more presents, and a show of Christmas lights.
Christmas morning I awoke at my usual time and crawled into bed with mom and dad for some morning cartoons. I spent the first couple hours opening presents with just mom and dad. Guess what Santa brought me.....my PONY!!! He's white and I've named him Boop, but sometimes I call Beep.
Dido and Mimi and Max came over soon after and we had more presents and brunch. Another great part of the day besides presents was getting to stay in my jammies all day long.
Forgive mom...she's not the singer she used to be.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
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